
A quiet night
I wish for arms
To hold me as I sleep

An early morning
A table with one plate and cup
The other chair pushed back in invitation

To that someone of someday
I drum my fingers in impatience
And dash images before they congeal
Lest I take imagination for something hoped for
and believe it to be real.

Four Lonely Poems

Caught between
two old friends
and two young lovers,
her arched face drinks up
a gossip of friendly banter.

The guard on campus
eats a cinnamon roll.
Behind the rain-splattered glass
of his station,
he dines with pigeons as company.

In a trio of women,
one strained face
making polite conversation
over vegan luncheon.

Abandoning his bike halfway,
the boy walks across a bridge,
hands in his pockets.